4 Must-Have Medical Devices for Seniors

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Think of it like insurance—you don’t need it till you need it. And if you live alone, it’s important to have certain medical devices at your disposal not only to maintain your independence but to quickly assist you during an emergency. Plus, these devices can help make life’s daily stressors so much easier!

  1. Medication organizer. The Hero smart dispenser is the gold standard in medication organizers. This smart dispenser holds a whopping 90-day supply of 10 different medications, supports any pill size, and even fits on all standard kitchen countertops. Its easy-to-use app allows you to add a medication list, set pill-time reminders, and will even notify you if you miss a dose.
Photo Credit: Hero
  1. Medical alert system. Think of it as the angel in your back pocket, or around your neck, or even your wrist! Medical alert systems come in all shapes and sizes and in a variety of wearable versions, making it simple, easy, and even stylish to get the help you need, when you need it, no matter where you are. One of our favorites is Bay Alarm Medical.
Photo credit: Bay Alarm Medical


  1. Smart speakers. It’s not just for playing your favorite music. Smart speakers, like the Echo Show, can easily record and playback shopping lists, give you the latest weather report, set reminders, and notify you if a package arrives. Some of the voice-activated features even allow you to make calls to other compatible devices.


Photo Credit: Amazon
  1. Extension grabber. Sounds a little too elementary to be true, but yes, an extension grabber is one of our top picks. Why? Because it makes life so much easier! As we age, something as simple as bending down to pick up a pen can be dicey. Why risk it? Extension grabbers like EZPIK allow you to easily and safely pick up fallen items, reach for food in your cabinet, grab the TV remote, and even take hold of something as small as car keys with its embedded magnet.
Photo credit: EZPIK via Amazon

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