How to Avoid the Flu this Season

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There are a lot of perks to getting older—senior discounts, prime parking spots, grandchildren—but flu season is not one of them. The CDC reports that people 65 and older are at increased risk for developing serious flu complications compared to young adults. Blame it on that weakening immune system as we age!

Flu shot

To start, getting a flu shot is your best bet when it comes to avoiding the virus. Remember, the flu shot isn’t a guarantee. There’s still a chance of contracting the flu even after a flu shot is administered.

Wash your hands

It may sound silly, but if we’ve learned anything from this Pandemic it’s to ensure you’re keeping good hygiene. Wash your hands frequently and keep sanitizer on hand.

Stay active

The weather may be getting colder but that doesn’t mean your body needs to go into hibernation. Be sure you’re getting in some moderate exercise throughout your week. A daily walk in the fresh air is a great way to start.


Between our cell phones and our car keys, doorknobs, and TV remotes, these common everyday items that we are constantly picking up and are covered with germs. Be sure to sanitize these items and other everyday objects daily with a sanitizing spray or wipe.

Maintain a healthy diet

Up your fruit and veggie intake this time of year and be sure to be drinking lots of water. Oranges and blueberries, Greek yogurt, and wild salmon are great immunity boosters to incorporate into your diet.

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